Project details

The Rely Pass project involves the development of a password management software and website. The aim was to build a simple, user-friendly tool for users to securely manage their passwords and login credentials. The website will serve as the primary platform for users to learn about the software, sign up for an account, and access support resources.

The Rely Pass project aims to provide a simple yet effective solution for password management. With the development of a secure software and website, users can trust that their login credentials are safe and easily accessible. By providing a user-friendly interface and reliable support, Rely Pass aims to make password management accessible to everyone.



Rely Inc.


Password Manager



July 16, 2021

Site Link:


Solution and Result

Our challenge was to develop a simple and user-friendly password management software and website that would make it easy for users to manage their login credentials securely. We also had to ensure that the software and website were reliable, and secure, and provided users with a seamless experience.

To address the challenge, we took a customer-centric approach and worked closely with the Rely Pass team to understand their goals and requirements. We conducted extensive research on the latest trends and best practices in password management software and website development to ensure that our solution would be relevant, effective, and user-friendly.

Throughout the development process, we conducted extensive testing and quality assurance to ensure that the software and website were functioning as intended and that user experience was seamless. We also provided comprehensive user guides and support resources to help users navigate the platform and resolve any issues they may encounter.

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